Butterman (Time) Travel, INC. by PK Hrezo

Synopsis: (Amazon)
It’s the year 2069 and even though eighteen-year-old Bianca Butterman is heir to the family biz, she may never see the day her time-craft license becomes official. When a government agent starts nosing around the operation, Butterman Travel, Inc. gets stuck with a full audit—part of a government take-over scheme to shut down all private time travel agencies. Enter former boy band superstar, Tristan Helms, desperate to retrieve a lost item from his past and willing to pay triple fare for a time-trip to get there, and Bianca has to find a way to complete the job and return home before the government gets wind and shuts down the family biz for good.
Author's Site: PK Hrezo
Publisher: PK Hrezo - Smashwords
Purchase: Amazon
Reviewed For: I won this book in a giveaway on BookLikes.
Misanthrope's Assessment:
Although marketed as New Adult, I think this novel would satisfy any science fiction fan that appreciates a character over technology driven novel. It provided a pleasant afternoon read to relax with. Plot and characters were well developed. A little romance on the side- there, but not a main focus was very pleasant.
Although the first in a series, this novel had a distinct ending. If you so choose, you wouldn't have to buy another book to get the full story... something that sadly seems to be the trend of independently published novels. That said, Bianca Butterman was humorous and I look forward to reading more of her family's adventures.