Not a promising start...
Please to do not spend the first few pages of your novel trying to explain what your novel is about- if written properly, your novel will do that on its own, as I read it. Please also, do not tell me that I should (recommended but not required) go to the back of your opus so that I can familiarize myself with your characters- again, if you write your novel properly, I will get to know your characters as the story progresses. One more thing... don't tell me howmuch you have spent on editing and that I basically will have to 'deal with' any errors I might find as you are finished sinking money into your opus and that I should remember all your 'hard work' and leave a review. At this point, Author Angela White (I understand you are an author, your cover page shouldn't have to inform me that you are an author), I am not sure I want to wade through your novel, but it was free. I'll read, and I will review. I will not 'remember your hard work' when I review, I will review the book as it was put in my hands, on its merits.