Zombie Samples Rating Dump

 -  I give this The British spelling might put some folks off, and it it seems that the protagonist gets more than his fair share of lucky breaks, but I did enjoy the sample.  At .99 I might consider picking this up, but I wouldn't pay more. 

  - I give this The protagonist is supposed to be a college professor... yet reading this, I couldn't see her (or her students) being anymore than a middle school teacher at a very special needs school.  It was so childish.  Do not waste your money.


  -  I give thisI had high hopes for this one.  The prologue was interesting, but then it all fell apart.  Too much reliance on foreshadowing and I was pretty much done after encountering this sentence- 'A stunned pall fell over the room'.  I also didn't care for the author's attitude when it came to women.  I can only suggest for misogynistic genre lovers.

 - I give this This had a very promising start.  It marries geopolitical intrigue and a zombie virus... and in the chapters in the sample, carries it off.  I will be purchasing this novel and reviewing it in its entirety.